Prof. Dr. Benno Heussen
retire partner
電話: +49 89 290 97 0
Prof. Dr. Benno Heussen is a co-founder of our Munich Office. He has worked mainly in the IT industry for more than 15 years and has built up this specialist practice area nationwide. He is a co-editor of one of the standard textbooks in this field ("Computerrechtshandbuch", "Handbook on Computer Law"), but advises on a wide spectrum of matters within the IT industry, as is demonstrated by his numerous publications ("Unternehmerhandbuch", "Handbook for Entrepreneurs"). As an honorary professor at the University of Hanover he teaches young attorneys and other lawyers in the art of contract drafting and contract negotiation ("Handbuch Vertragsverhandlung und Vertragsmanagement", "Handbook on Contract Negotiation and Contract Management").
Curriculum vitae
Universities: Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich
Honorary membership in the Munich Bar Association.
Medal of Honour of the German Bar for serving on the board and founding the Information Technology and Lawyer Management working groups.
Academic and journalistic activities
Benno Heussen Award of the Working Group Law Firm Management in the German Bar Association.
Advising managing partners and partners on decisions and conflicts
Of-Counsel at HEUSSEN Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH, specialising in national and international arbitration proceedings and conflict management advice
Honorary professor at the Leibniz University of Hannover
Managing Attorney of the Berlin office
Partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers Deutsche Revision AG
Founder of the Information Technology and Lawyer Management working groups in the German Bar Association
Member of the Board of the German Bar Association
Foundation and management of the Berlin office of HEUSSEN BRAUN von KESSEL with a focus on information technology law
Member of the German Institution of Arbitration. Since then, active as lawyer and judge in arbitration proceedings, mainly in the field of information technology.
Admitted to the Munich Bar, co-founder of the law firm HEUSSEN BRAUN von KESSEL
Doctorate (Dr. jur.) from the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich (m.c.l.)
Statement of experience
- Legal questions concerning information technology (contracts, outsourcing, internet etc.)
- Arbitration proceedings, mediation, preferably in the technical field
- M&A transactions in the IT industry
- Advising publicly and semi-publicly owned organisations on international negotiations
HEUSSEN Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbHBrienner Straße 9 / Amiraplatz
80333 München
Deutschland (ドイツ)
外国語: ドイツ語, 英語