Uwe-Carsten Völlink
電話: +49 89 290 97 0
E-Mail: uwe-carsten.voellink@heussen-law.de
Certified specialist lawyer for administrative law
Uwe-Carsten Völlink is partner in our Munich office since March 2013. Since more than 20 years he is dealing with all aspects of public procurement law both on a national and EU level in complex procurement proceedings and is a profound expert of all aspects of this field. He additionally represents clients in administrative and court proceedings relating to public procurement. His clients inter alia are active in the following sectors:
- public administration
- construction and real estate
- infrastructure
- IT
- regulated industries (especially defense & security, environment, energy and transport)
Curriculum vitae
Universities: Bielefeld
Education & Career
Certified specialist lawyer for employment law
Partner at the law firm of HEUSSEN Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
Attorney at the law firm of Noerr LLP, since 2005, as Partner
Active as judge
Statement of experience
- public administration
- construction and real estate
- infrastructure
- IT
- regulated industries (especially defense & security, environment, energy and transport)
Publications (Excerpt):
- Ziekow/Völlink – Comments on public procurement law, Publishers C.H. Beck, Munich, 4th Edition 2020
Beck's online process forms for public procurement law, Publishers C.H. Beck, Munich, since 2009
Völlink/Kehrberg, Comments on Part A of German Construction Tendering and Contract Regulations ("VOB/A – Kommentar zur Vergabe- und Vertragsordnung für Bauleistungen, Teil A"), Publishers C.H. Beck, Munich, 2004
Publication about subsequent requests for missing explanations or evidence in the light of current legislation ("Die Nachforderung fehlender Erklärungen oder Nachweise im Lichte der aktuellen Rechtsprechung"), commemorative volume for Fridhelm Marx, 2013, pg. 791 ff. (coauthored with Dr. Norbert Huber)
Völlink/Meckler, 2006 overview of basic framework of public procurement law and changes thereto ("Vergaberecht 2006 – Die wesentlichen Rechtsgrundlagen und Neuerungen im Überblick"), Beuth Verlag, Berlin, 2007
Author of numerous other publications as permanent staff member at the trade journals Immobilien- und Baurecht (IBR) for real estate/construction law and Vergabepraxis & -recht (VPR) for public procurement law.
Seminars & Lectures
Uwe-Carsten Völlink is a lecturer for a number of famous seminar organizations. He holds seminars, workshops and presentations on all practice-relevant issues of public procurement law.
JUVE Handbook 2021/2022: "The public procurement team has established itself as a key player in the German public procurement law market.", "outstanding public procurement lawyer", "pragmatic", "super, very practice-oriented with suggestions for concrete action", "very broad knowledge", "extensive experience" and "proven litigator" - https://www.juve.de/juve-rankings/deutschland/vergaberecht/heussen/
- WirtschaftsWoche: "TOP ANWALT 2021 Public Procurement Law".
- Legal500 Germany 2021: "highly competent and at the same time practice-oriented client care, "very flexible and practice-oriented"".
- JUVE Handbuch 2020/2021: "our first choice", "excellent and pragmatic".
- Legal500 Germany 2020: "outstanding procurement law expertise....of inestimable value"
Corporate Intl Magazine Global Award 2019: "Public Procurement Lawyer of the Year in Germany"
WirtschaftsWoche: TOP Lawyer 2018 Procurement Law"
Who´s Who Legal Germany 2018: "A highly respected lawyer" in the category "Government Contracts"
JUVE Handbook 2018: "Frequently recommended". JUVE has been listing him among the "frequently recommended lawyers" in public procurement law for more than 11 years and awarded his former Team as "Public Procurement Law Practice of the Year" in late 2008.
Handelsblatt / Best Lawyers 2019: Awarded one of "Germany’s Top Lawyers for 2019/2020" in public procurement law (for the 12th consecutive time) and "2017 Lawyer of the Year in Public Law in Bavaria"
Chambers Europe 2017: "Vastly experienced in public procurement cases" in public law
Legal 500 Germany 2016: "Always on call, Uwe-Carsten Völlink excels with his superb expertise."
Handelsblatt / Best Lawyers 2015: "Lawyer of the Year in Public Law in Munich 2015"
Wirtschaftswoche 2014: Award as one of the top 25 public procurement lawyers in Germany
HEUSSEN Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbHBrienner Straße 9 / Amiraplatz
80333 München
Deutschland (ドイツ)
外国語: ドイツ語, 英語